Harry Fegley called the meeting to order promptly at 2:00 pm GMT (7:00 am Mountain) and asked
Brian Williams to deliver today’s invocation. Brian delivered a message on developing optimism as a philosophy of life. Participating in meetings is great, yet by carrying our message throughout the day in our words and deeds we can multiply the impact of optimism exponentially.
e had a Guest! Pearl Meulemans visited us, representing the Tamarac Optimist Club. She wanted to thank Monaco South for helping her club by volunteering at the Scottish Festival again this year. She presented us a check for $700. President Fegley asked
Jon Wachter to come forward and accept the check, and recognized Jon as the project organizer for our club. Well done, Jon!
McMeen Super Citizen Assembly -
Don Thomson and
Mike White reported on a successful celebration at McMeen Elementary this week.
Gary Jerman participated in his first Super Citizen event, and Don asked Gary to share his observations. Gary reported enjoying the event and being impressed with the fact that there are 26 languages spoken at the school. And with 377 of the students Spanish speakers, they make up more than half of the student body.
Craig Eley passed around a sign up sheet for Santa shifts at the tree lot. We needs Santas on the weekends only, and Craig is also looking for hot dog and brat grillers on the weekends. If either interest you, please sign up or let Craig know.
Denny Dressman let us know that Bob Sweeney called him a few days ago and sounded very good. Bob is in a rehab facility and is pretty weak. He’s not up for visitors yet, but hopeful to get on the road to recovery.
Pat Bush, our tireless treasurer, thanked Frank Middleton for his efforts to help get membership dues collected. If you haven’t paid your dues, please du! They can be paid via credit card on our website or bring a check to Pat at a meeting.
Frank Middleton reminded the membership of the upcoming Holiday Celebration Dinner at Valley Country Club, 14601 Country Club Dr, Aurora, CO 80016, on Saturday, December 7, from 6:00 – 9:00. Music and entertainment will be provided. There will be a magician and a singer, and our own multi-talented
Dan Rodriguez is looking for one more five-minute act. The cost is $39.00 per person. Record turnout expected!
Karl Geil: The Brain Bowl is coming; the Brain Bowl is coming. Three upcoming tournaments starting in January. Tournaments:
25 January 2025, Saturday – Central/South:
Heritage High School, Littleton
01 February 2025, Saturday – North:
Standley Lake High School, Westminster
22 February 2025, Saturday – Championship:
Hamilton Middle School, Denver
Reader Trainings:
11 January 2025, Saturday
Heritage High School Rm 2329, Littleton, 9am-Noon
14 January 2025, Tuesday
Heritage High School Rm 2329, Littleton, 6:30-9pm
18 January 2025, Saturday
Law Offices of Osgood & Osgood, 9am-Noon
2586 Trailridge Drive East, Suite 200
Lafayette, CO 80026
As always, having sufficient volunteers (readers, timekeepers, scorekeepers, written round proctors (a.m rounds only), runners, and score room staff) sign up for the morning and afternoon rounds is essential for these contests to be successful. Once again,
volunteer sign-up is via the Optimist Brain Bowl Volunteer Portal at:
On Tuesday, November 19th, Super Citizen awards were made to two students at the
Most Precious Blood Elementary School.
Joe Marci was master of ceremonies,
Greg Young took pictures, and Andy Towt made a short presentation about the relationship of optimism and being thankful for our parents and teachers. The recipient in the picture let us know how happy she was because her older sister had received a Super Citizen Award and she was hoping to get one before leaving elementary school.
Tom Kramis reports that our tree lot season is well underway. Look for blast emails re: the timing of the tree deliveries as well as other timely updates. Due to storms in the Northwest, the first shipment has been delayed to possibly as late as Monday. A second shipment looks on time for Tuesday. And then remember that the lot opens in less than a week - 10:00 am on Black Friday.
Today’s presenter was our own
Mario Sani. Mario provided a demonstration of how to use the Square app for those members serving as cashiers at the lot. There will be an IPad in the trailer and Mario walked through different calculations, including applying discounts. A good recommendation was made to any cashiers that may be uncomfortable with how the system works - arrive 1/2 hour early for your first shift to observe the optimist cashier before you at work and make sure you are comfortable.
We had a Drawing! The 5 of Hearts was the magic card this week, with 90 American dollars lurking in the pot. Cups of cold cash went to:
Matt Dollarhide, Jim Svenson, Dave Peck, Ron Gustas, Gary Jerman, Dan Rodriguez. Paul Stratton and
Phil Perington were feeling happy-go-lucky and went for the big bucks. But it turned out they were only happy, not lucky. Nametag:
Jake Baker was halfway out the door when his wooden chip was drawn. He u-turned in time and took a shot, but alas, twas not to be.
President Harry Fegley asked us to rise and conclude our meeting by reciting the Optimist Creed: “Promise Yourself, to be so strong…”
The Bill Walters Boys and Girls Club Thanksgiving dinner was held last night at both the Boys and Girls Club and Girls Inc.
Michael Chavez reported that there was a great turnout of volunteers from the club, and we were also supported by volunteers from Bethany Lutheran Church, led by Kevin's wife, Michelle. 86 turkeys, 360 pounds of potatoes and 60 pies were served. Michael gave a big thank you to all who helped, including the following Monaco South members who were at the Boys and Girls club:
Tom Mauro,George Buzick ,Phil Perington, KenJeung, EdLeutyEdCollins, DennyDressman, HarryFegley, Tom Kramis, Brian Williams, Kent gloor,Frank Middleton,Tom Overton, John Burnett, Dick Nickoloff, Gary Jerman, Bob Avery, EverettGardner, JeffCole, AllenPierce, David Telpner, Eldon Strong
We had a great group over at Girls Inc. also: Tom Hoch, Russ Paul, Joe Marci, Don Roth, Al Gapuzan, Curt Boell, Casey Funk, Larry Pulaski, Bill Morgan,Kevin Dempsey.
Michael showed us a check he received from Bethany Lutheran. Not only did they supply volunteers, but they also provided $1,000 to help cover costs. Michael was pleased with both events and also felt good that we had the right amount of food ordered so there was very little waste. Well done, Michael!
Photos by Craig Eley.