Background, Bat, Cobweb, Decorations
  • The history of Halloween goes all the way back to a pagan festival called Samhain.
  • The word "Halloween" comes from All Hallows' Eve and means "hallowed evening."
  • Hundreds of years ago, people dressed up as saints and went door-to-door, which is the origin of Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating.
Apologies from our technical staff to those of you who were participating on Zoom this past Friday. Unknowingly, we switched to a version of Zoom that times out after forty minutes. We have this fixed and you can use the same Zoom sign-in for future meetings.  Thanks for understanding.
Member picture
JOSH LIPUMA                 PAT BUSH     
You too can be a greeter! Sign up with Al Gapuzan next Friday.                                           
President Tom (alias Judge Judy) rings the bell promptly at 7,and asks Phil Perington to read the invocation.  Phil’s message references the Creed and asks each of us to give more time to improvement of ourselves.  Take this day to embrace the challenge of working on ourselves and doing the best we can in whatever that may be.  A great message to start the day.
Mike White tells us that Cy Regan has been moved to the memory wing at Eastern Star Retirement Center.  Cy is doing well and is looking forward to seeing folks.  Mike also tells us that Denver(Not Pueblo) South High School is having a 50th class reunion for the class of 1971.
Joe Marci thanks 17 members for their help in supervising golfers for the recent golf tournament held last week at Green Valley Ranch.  They had 90 kids participate and had a great time.
Pat Bush takes the mic, it is the end of the month and asks those that have yet to pay dues to please pay your dues, as soon as possible.  Frank Ross brings up his check for payment.  Editor note: I vow to bring my checkbook and pay for dues next week.
(No picture available)
Tom Mauro has been passing out the new directory.  He thanks Craig Eley for taking pictures.  He is dressed this morning with the Superman sweatshirt, and the bat head gear, in reference to the upcoming holiday.
Member pictureFrom Karl Geil, the following warning:
Just thought I would let you know of the latest e-mail scam going around, so you can notify our members through G.U.M.S.
I received the e-mail below earlier today. I have never heard of "US Tech Support" and have never done business with them. I use Norton/Symantic products for my firewall. The red flags in any e-mail phishing attack like this are:
1.    Looking at the message header, it claims I sent it from some unfamiliar gmail address, rather than being a named company representative from a company e-mail account.
2. The message claims I have some sort of subscription for services with them; although, I have never heard of the company.
3. The message claims to be from a company in Santa Monica, California, but give a phone number with a Wisconsin area code.
Hope you're doing well. I miss you, my friends, but I am just not comfortable going to a meeting when Colorado's COVID numbers are getting worse.
---- Forwarded Message -----
From: Karl Geil <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 07:38:39 AM MDT
Subject: Receipt for order no Es66-HQvs-jh-FP-Kw
On behalf of US Tech Support, I'd like to express our deepest gratitude for your continued membership and support.
We would like to inform you that your subscription will be renewed on October 27 2021 to continue being part of us and retaining access to our benefits. The following are the details of your recurring plan with us.
Product: Firewall Security Two Year
Ticket Number : mii9w-dAmSt-bGK
Amount: $ 99.00 
IF You have ye any questions regarding your membership with us, please contact our billing team at 920 345 2343.
US Tech Support
920 345 2343
1541 Ocean Ave #200,
Santa Monica,
CA 90401,
United States 
Please do not reply to this email. This email is system generated. The mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. To contact, call on 920 345 2343.
(Shown here: Tom Kramis, Mike Freeman, Larry Pulaski)
Mike Freeman is Executive Director from Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation.  In January of 2011, a small group of adult recreation league hockey players made a pledge to honor a fallen teammate by creating a very unique foundation focused on helping families in their time of need.  Utilizing a very successful strategy consisting of several annual fundraisers, they have provided financial support totaling nearly $2.0 million in direct aid to families!  From the weekend warrior recovering from a nasty injury or serious illness, to the grieving family that has lost a loved one, DAWG Nation is always there to help. Providing resources and countless amazing acts of human kindness, we have not only changed the lives of our recipients, but also the lives of our members as well.  Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation utilizes a 360° Support Model. This model looks at the needs families and individuals have beyond giving them a onetime check. This could include financial counseling, legal support, home repairs or modifications, mental health support, housing, transportation, adaptability and accessibility, mentoring, scholarships, support networks for veterans, and creating intentional emotional and community support.
Mike is retired after a career in education as a teacher, Principal and an administrator in Jefferson County for over 20 years.  They also honor veterans, Mike is happy to see the earlier announcement regarding the National Wreaths Across America Day.  As a Principal, his school did an assembly honoring veterans for their service, this included his father and Mike’s father had mentioned it was the first time he had been thanked publicly for his service.
Mike then shows us a video of Van Stone’s comeback story, a victim of traumatic brain injury, in 2018.  Showed a video about this young man’s journey to getting back on the ice.  The organization is about more than giving a check, it’s about hope and changing the life of the recipient.  It is something that helps them and continues on with the program.
Mike Freeman is Executive Director from Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation.  In January of 2011, a small group of adult recreation league hockey players made a pledge to honor a fallen teammate by creating a very unique foundation focused on helping families in their time of need.  Utilizing a very successful strategy consisting of several annual fundraisers, they have provided financial support totaling nearly $2.0 million in direct aid to families!  From the weekend warrior recovering from a nasty injury or serious illness, to the grieving family that has lost a loved one, DAWG Nation is always there to help. Providing resources and countless amazing acts of human kindness, we have not only changed the lives of our recipients, but also the lives of our members as well.  Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation utilizes a 360° Support Model. This model looks at the needs families and individuals have beyond giving them a onetime check. This could include financial counseling, legal support, home repairs or modifications, mental health support, housing, transportation, adaptability and accessibility, mentoring, scholarships, support networks for veterans, and creating intentional emotional and community support.
Bow Line Knot Art 8x10- Sailor's Knot Drawing - Bowline - Bow Line - Knots - Sailing - Sailing Knots - Nautical Artwork - Rustic Art Prints
Steve Kady found this video clip — I think it is better than tying a bowline:

Do we have a drawing?  $60 in the pot. Jack of s is the lucky card.  Larry Pulaski takes the first cup, Mike White takes a cup, Oscar Sorenson also takes a cup, Alan Malask and Dave Peck takes a cup, Allen Malask takes another cup, Gary Strowbridge takes a card.  Tom Kramis draws the name Tom Mauro from the plastic jug but no luck this week. 
We rise with Craig Eley as he leads us in the creed.
Lots of great prizes, including Bronco Tickets, Gift Cards, Wine and Spirits, Condo Reservations and lots of other great gifts! Christmas is coming soon!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Ed Leuty
October 1
Jeff Wilson
October 2
Greg Holt
October 6
Ron Gustas
October 7
John Bamford
October 13
Tom Glazier
October 17
Allen Malask
October 22
Allan McCall
October 25
Robert Wardlaw
October 30
November 5 - Chuck Brasfeild - CEO, Denver Area Council, Boy Scouts of America with future Council President
Christopher Sherry- Chairman, CEO and President of Merrick & Company
OI Foundation Reminder: If you use Amazon to order products, you can earn money for the Foundation by signing on to
See the Online Events Calendar @
Commencing May 14 meetings will be held at the American Legion Hall 5400 E Yale Ave. While there be no two way communication, you may observe (and listen to)  the meeting on Google Meets
OCMS President Tom Kramis is inviting you to a scheduled Google  meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: All Friday meetings will be simulcast on Google Meets  in “listen and watch only” mode. Please note the new link to Google Meets. All members are encouraged to attend the live meeting when possible.
Topic: OCMS Friday 7:00 AM Meeting
Time: 6:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Friday Morning
Join Google  Meeting
Here are the phone numbers
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 226-213-8281 and enter this PIN: 798 045 032 1768#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:
Optimist Club of Monaco South 2020-2021 45th Year — Chartered in 1976
                   2021 - 2022 Officers                                                                                
President           Tom Kramis              303-917-5299 
Vice President   Larry Pulaski           303-956-1202 
Vice President   Chris Dunphy           720-297-3111 
Secretary           Phil Perington          303-832-4578
Treasurer           Pat Bush                   303-750-9409
                                  2021- 2022 Board of Directors 
 Stephen Avery   720-775-7700      Joe Marci          303-847-7844 
 George Buzick   303-803-2268      Casey Funk      720-656-2255
 David Peck        925-890-2531      Dan Rodriguez 303-521-5120 
 Steve Kady        303-931-1470      Kent Gloor       303-880- 5444 
 Tom Glazier      303-522-5214                                                
Past Presidents
Bob Rhue 1976-77
Jerry Whitlow 1977-78
Bill Kosena 1978-79
Duane Wehrer 1979-80
Curt Jefferies 1980-81
Frank Middleton 1981-82
John Young 1982-83
Pat Bush 1983-84
Bob Hugo 1984-85
Tom Mauro 1985-86
Curt Lorenzen 1986-87
Oscar Sorensen 1987-88
Lupe Salinas 1988-89
Bob Avery 1989-90
Bill Litchfield 1990-91
Bill Walters 1991-92
Kent Gloor 1992-93
Gary Strowbridge 1993-94
Mark Metevia 1994-95
Bob Safe 1995-96
Tom Overton 1996-97
Peter Dimond 1997-98
Ralph Symalla 1998-99
Cy Regan 1999-00
Stan Cohen 2000-01
Don St. John 2001-02
Jack Rife 2002-03
Karl Geil 2003-04 
Bryce Slaby 2004-05
Donlie Smith 2005-06
Paul Bernard 2006-07
Greg Young 2007-08
Phil Perington 2008-09
Ron Cisco 2009-10
Ed Collins 2010-11
Randy Marcove 2011-12
Paul Simon 2012-13
Jon Wachter 2013-14
John Oss 2014-15
Michael Chavez 2015-16
Craig Eley 2016-17
Jim Easton 2017-18
Everett Gardner 2018-19
Bob Meyer 2019-20
Dan Rodriguez 2020-2021
T H E O P T I M I S T C R E E D — Promise Yourself . . . To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for
anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.