  • Mission Statement. By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.
  • Vision Statement. Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
Don Roth, and in from bullpen to stand in for no show, was the ever-reliable Al Gapuzan. The morning was filled with good cheer and many high fives. The breakfast buffet arrived early with a twosome energetically setting up the table with delicious offerings. Gary Strowbridge swung into action and made sure the coffee was plenty hot and ready to be guzzled
 Our returning potential new member Matt Dollarhide was the first to purchase Raffle tickets…getting one for himself and one for Tom Glazier(his Sponsor). Matt is a carpenter and handyman visiting for the second time and looks like he’s ready join with the the Optimists. Welcome aboard Matt.
 He also spent some interesting time talking with Everett Gardner about purple beards and other important stuff.  T-Bird Peck was lamenting his run in with a bad fuel pump, on his 57’Thunderbird last week. There were five participants in the “Name the Sox contest”. Dr. Bob was the alert and lucky winner for a free breakfast. Pat Bush was holding court at table #1 and making up for lost time in good fashion. President Elect Casey Funk dug deep into his pocket and purchased a block of Raffle tickets. Way to go Casey!!  Prez Larry was busy hooking up the Zoomsters and getting banners in place.
Club Secretary Jake Baker arrived early and spent the early hour working the room in pleasant conversation. Our Guest Speaker Kathleen Chandler, realizing she was the only gal in the room was enjoying the camaraderie and good cheer. Bill Litchfield, in a moment of glee, was introducing himself as a new member. Thumper Kady once again held his post as the first entry in the drawing pot.  Early bird arrivals Harry Fegely and Ed Collins were busy making the rounds and setting up the room. Smiling Bill Morgan and Mark Metevia shared time talking violins and event planning. Laughter filled the air when someone asked Tom Mauro how the Rockies were doing. The room was filled with good natured energy and off to a rousing start.
President Larry Pulaski gaveled the gathered at 7:02 sharp and Past President Everett Gardner presented the Invocation, “Inspire us all to spread the message of prosperity and good will.” Our positive attitude can become contagious when we speak words of optimism to our youth and those we meet and serve. Let us always look at the bright side and bring hope to those who may be down. Our actions speak louder than words. The Pledge of Allegiance followed with a determined cry of Play Ball!
President Larry informed the group there will be NO Brent’s Place pancake breakfast this year.Greg Young: Presented details of the Brents Place Block Party. They are in search of volunteers. Please sign up if you are interested.
The The Colorado/Wyoming District Convention is just around the corner on August 18-19 in Ft. Morgan. Any member attending will be reimbursed for lunch expense. Sign up at:
The Board meeting 8/2 at the Legion Hall starting @ 6:30. Food and beverage is on the table.
The Principles to Breakfast is next Friday followed by The Hamilton Fall Festival.
Phil Perington: Raffle Ticket sales are at 62%. We have reached our commitment for prize payouts and are now in the profit column. Every ticket purchased between now and August will go into our Youth Services Account. Thanks to everyone who has helped with sales. We are less than 30 days out from the Drawing so please give a hand if possible.
Andy Towt: proudly reported Curt Boell has given $ 365 to the Dime a Day campaign. WOW! What a nice surprise-thank you Curt. It should be noted Curt is one of our most steady and loyal volunteers at the Tree Lot every year.
Joe Marci: Shared his recent adventure with Bob Meyer at the O.I. International Golf Tournament in  Florida. Colorado has the largest group of young golfers with 40+ participating. These are a  fantastic collection of  young golfers from around the world. A low round 74 was achieved by a Colorado Player. Many college Scouts were there. Players and Family were all eager to get in front of such a large contingent.  There was good mix of Winners from many countries.
Jon Wachter: The Scottish Festival is next weekend 8/4 in Sedalia area.  He still needs a few more sign ups on the volunteer list. U-Hills Optimists are sponsoring part of the event and it is their big fundraiser. Call Jon for details:


Colorado’s finest peaches are coming! The Palisade grower will be delivering the peaches mid to late August. The delivery date will be announced. The price per box this year is $45 per box, with a donation coming back to  Monaco South or Tamarac Optimist Club, depending on sales. The only thing difference from last year is the grower went to a larger box which is 20% bigger, to protect the peaches better and provide additional space.
Kathleen Chandler-Independence Institute of Colorado (IIC)Representative for  9 years
She and her husband live in Aurora, as both Mother & Father & Grandparents. A graduate from UCCS with a degree in political science her interests lie in local government and coalition building.
 Portland-Head-Lighthouse_700x1000.jpgTopic of Discussion-Ballot Issue lowering taxes aka:
Proposition HH (Preparation H large size)-In the opinion of IIC
This ballot Initiative is basically about Personal and Economic Freedom. For the Record Legislative Ballot issues are alphabetical and Citizen Initiatives are by Numbers.
“This is a Ballot issue we don’t know a lot about” due to the complexity of the layers of authority and taxation controlled by County Assessors and didactic formulas in local counties. The property owner Is directly and immediately impacted by local authorities. By using Mill levies to adjudicate total tax bills and special interest Districts i.e., fire, schools, police, etc. it becomes complicated and not easy to understand. This is why it originated in the Legislature. Because taxes are paid in arrears the impact is delayed and the overall formula used changes year to year. Current property assessments will be reflected in 2024-25 cycle. The purported tax savings are lengthy and inversely corrosive, in the opinion of IIC.
There has been a net loss of population in Colorado due to rising costs of housing and taxes. The spread between lower and higher income is becoming wider. Up until recently, the Gallagher Amendment kept residential taxes lower, due to in part the way Commercial properties were assessed. With the sunset of Gallagher and the continued assault on the Tabor Taxpayer Bill of Rights this is a monumental issue and bellwether of things to come if passed. As a note, Senior citizens get a “Break” on the first $40,000 assessment of their primary residence. The savings only benefits if the value goes down, however. Households earning less than $100,000 per year may benefit. With the increase in water and sewer rates this Initiatives purported benefits are actually a wash in many communities.  Proposition HH is complicated and identified as a “Lower tax” on the Ballot Title dissertation. Read carefully and vote in your best interest. Please contact Kathleen at the IIC for further clarification. We thank our speaker for her presentation and welcome a return after the election.
Do we have a Drawing? King of Diamonds for 20 buck$.
Cup Winners: Carl Brown-Pat Bush-Tom Mauro -Guest Kathleen-Jake Baker (3rd week in a row)
Cash-Randy Bruns & Greg Holt-Not Today
Chips-Don Roth-Nada tostada
Creed: Led by Kathleen with assistance from Frank Middleton
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Cliff Eley
July 4
Dan Rodriguez
July 6
Pat Bush
July 6
Jack Kleinheksel
July 9
Paul Simon
July 9
Wyatt McCallie
July 11
Jim Leuschner
July 12
David Wasserburger
July 14
Kent Gloor
July 14
Thumper Kady
July 16
Andy Towt
July 18
Steve Avery
July 22
Tom Hoch
July 22
Mark Metevia
July 26
Randy Marcove
July 27
Aug 04, 2023 7:30 AM
Honoring the Principals of our Super Citizen schools
Aug 11, 2023
Confessions of a Corporate Clown -My McDonalds Story
Aug 18, 2023 7:30 AM
owner Lucas Liqueurs, Changes and Challengers in the industry
Aug 25, 2023 7:30 AM
View entire list
Upcoming Events
American Legion Hall #1
Aug 01, 2023 6:30 PM
Weekly Meeting
American Legion Hall
Aug 04, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Brent's Place Block Party-Volunteers Needed
Anschutz Medical Campus Parade Grounds
Aug 05, 2023
10:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Weekly Meeting
American Legion Hall
Aug 11, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Aug 16, 2023 4:00 PM
CO/WY District Convention
The Block in Fort Morgan
Aug 18, 2023 8:30 AM –
Aug 19, 2023 8:00 PM
Weekly Meeting
American Legion Hall
Aug 18, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
South By SouthEast Festival
Bible Park
Aug 19, 2023
10:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Weekly Meeting
American Legion Hall
Aug 25, 2023
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Junior Golf Committee Meeting
American Legion Hall
Aug 25, 2023 8:00 AM
View entire list
OI Foundation Reminder: If you use Amazon to order products, you can earn money for the Foundation by signing on to
See the Online Events Calendar @
Meetings will be held at the American Legion Hall 5400 E Yale Ave. While there be no two way communication, you may observe (and listen to) the meeting on Zoom
OCMS President Larry Pulaski is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
PLEASE NOTE: All Friday meetings will be simulcast on Zoom in “listen and watch only” mode. All members are encouraged to attend the live meeting when possible.
Topic: OCMS Friday 7:00 AM Meeting
Time: 6:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Friday Morning
Join  Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 811 5309
Passcode: 2021
Optimist Club of Monaco South 2022-2023 47th Year — Chartered in 1976
                        2022-2023 Officers                                                                                
President           Larry Pulaski           303-956-1202      
Vice President   Matt Nelson             720-774-0758
Vice President   Steve Kady               303-931-1470
Secretary           Jake Baker                412-680-0765
Treasurer           Pat Bush                   303-750-9409
                            2022- 2023 Board of Directors 
 Joe Marci             303-847-7844      Tom Glazier          303-522-5214  
 George Buzick     303-803-2268      Casey Funk           720-656-2255
 Vaughn Kendall   303-910-6590      Ken Jeung             720-849-6241
 Kent Gloor           303-880- 5444     Tom Kramis         303-917-5299  
 Tom Hoch             303-332-9338                                       
Past Presidents
Bob Rhue 1976-77
Jerry Whitlow 1977-78
Bill Kosena 1978-79
Duane Wehrer 1979-80
Curt Jefferies 1980-81
Frank Middleton 1981-82
John Young 1982-83
Pat Bush 1983-84
Bob Hugo 1984-85
Tom Mauro 1985-86
Curt Lorenzen 1986-87
Oscar Sorensen 1987-88
Lupe Salinas 1988-89
Bob Avery 1989-90
Bill Litchfield 1990-91
Bill Walters 1991-92
Kent Gloor 1992-93
Gary Strowbridge 1993-94
Mark Metevia 1994-95
Bob Safe 1995-96
Tom Overton 1996-97
Peter Dimond 1997-98
Ralph Symalla 1998-99
Cy Regan 1999-00
Stan Cohen 2000-01
Don St. John 2001-02
Jack Rife 2002-03
Karl Geil 2003-04 
Bryce Slaby 2004-05
Donlie Smith 2005-06
Paul Bernard 2006-07
Greg Young 2007-08
Phil Perington 2008-09
Ron Cisco 2009-10
Ed Collins 2010-11
Randy Marcove 2011-12
Paul Simon 2012-13
Jon Wachter 2013-14
John Oss 2014-15
Michael Chavez 2015-16
Craig Eley 2016-17
Jim Easton 2017-18
Everett Gardner 2018-19
Bob Meyer 2019-20
Dan Rodriguez 2020-2021
Tom Kramis 2021-2022
T H E O P T I M I S T C R E E D — Promise Yourself . . . To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for
anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.