Mission Statement. By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.
Vision Statement. Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential
Our greeters this morning are George Buzick and Al Gapuzan. It’s a small but lively crowd today. A mild fall morning, beautiful start for Fall here in Denver (Alis shown greeting Don Roth)
President Larry Pulaski rings the bell promptly at 7 this morning. Larry asks Cesar Camarena to read the invocation this morning. "Everlasting God of the Universe help us promote good government and help us fight for freedom each and every day. Help us show the youth of today that it is adherence to law that protects this fragile entity called democracy." Cesar then leads us to recite the pledge of allegiance
GUESTS (Well-Almost)
Frank Rottier also a guest last week (of Ken Duffy is here again
Ed Leuty is introduced by Craig Eley as his guest. Ed hasn't been her for a while.
Tom Yaggley is introduced as a guest, but has an application and check
President Larry tells us about the recent Board meeting. Thanks Craig Eley and Tom Mauro for the new directory, please pick one up if you haven’t done so already. Larry also tells us that we will have a new breakfast vendor, New York Deli, the cost will go up to $12. More about the Board Meeting: For the Tree Lot, there will be greeters at the lot this year, who can greet customers as they enter the grounds. There are plans for a Christmas Party this year, details on this to come. Larry lists some of the projects which will be high priorities this year, including Super Citizen, Junior Golf, Sullivan Scholarships and Thanksgiving for Boys & Girls Clubs.
Craig Eley is passing around the sign-up sheet for volunteers to take shifts at the Tree Lot. Craig will be gone for the next 3 weeks so he is trying to get people lined up.
Michael Chavez tells us about the upcoming Thanksgiving Dinner for Boys & Girls Club, November 17. Bethany Lutheran Church will be donating funds for this occasion, and we will be working again with Girls Inc. Michael will need volunteers to help take supplies over beforehand. MSOC will be working with Food Bank of the Rockies again this year, and like a lot of things the costs have increased.
SUPER CITIZEN Joe Marci will be conducting a Super Citizen assembly next week at Most Precious Blood and is looking for someone to help with the presentation. If you are unsure about what to say at the short presentation speech, there are examples of past presentations for you. (George Buzick agreed to help.)
Mark Metevia says he and Ilene were able to work with Ryan Bresnahan, last week's speaker, this past week and it really made a difference for them, and they are looking forward to working with him. Eye patch is due to recent cataract surgery.
Tom Mauro tells us that Hamilton Middle School will be receiving 7 turkeys from the club, but their need is great, and he is looking for 100 Turkeys for needy families. Tom passes around the sign-up sheet for donations.
Tom Kramis tells us the generators are coming for the Tree Lot. He is looking to secure power for the trailer, lot and Santa’s House. Tom is looking for Day Managers to help manage and staff the Lot and the Tree Lot committee (TLC) will be meeting after our regular meeting to start to button up operation. Openings remaining for days managers include Wednesday mornings and Friday mornings. Sign up for the lot will be online shortly, thanks to Paul Bernard, who is working from Michigan to finalize the program.
Jake Baker will be serving as Secretary for Board meetings and takes the stage to tell us a little about himself. Jake works in medical device sales and travels frequently for work. Jake is from Pittsburgh and has lived in Denver for 10 years. His wife is from Traverse City MI . Her family back in Michigan has operated Gallagher’s Centennial Farm which was established in 1905. Jake and his wife have 4 chickens and live in the Barnum neighborhood. His company works with spine implants screws and the like.
C-Spine Ortho is the name of his company. Thank you, Jake, for telling us a little more about yourself.
Tom Yaggley has completed an application and cut a check for membership. He is Commander of American Legion Post 1. Born in Detroit and grew up in Iowa. He enjoyed his career in Computer Science now known as IT. Tom went to High School in Clinton Iowa, known as the River Kings. Tom tells us that Amerocam Legion has been around since 1919, started after the end of WWI. There are some 10,000 posts around the US. Membership is dwindling with the club, as with many other clubs. To become a member, if you were honorably discharged you can be a member. If you had a parent or grandparent that served and was honorably discharged, you are eligible to join. The difference between American Legion and VFW is that VFW was open only to people who served in conflict zones. Pat Bush asks if you didn’t serve but are interested in becoming a member of the club. Bob Avery asks if we can have cross memberships opportunities for volunteer. Phil Perington bought an old triangle triangle framed flag and asks about the proper way to display and then dispose of the flag. Tom says yes, the Legion can help with the proper care, maintenance, display and disposal of flags. Colorado has about 150 Posts that are active. This club has around 800 members. This building was actually an All-State Insurance building in its original iteration, and the Legion has inhabited this building for 27 years. Tom will be a great asset to our club, as many of the values of American Legion mat120ch those of Optimist International
Do we have a drawing? $40 in the pot, 4 of hearts is the lucky card, Tom Glazier has the first lucky ticket and takes a cup. Jake Baker takes a cup; Ed Collins takes a cup. Bob Avery takes another cup. Al Gapuzan takes a card. Wyatt Mcallie draws a card. Neither of them picks the winning card. Nick Picucci takes a card. Michael Chavez' name is drawn. Michael does not pick the lucky card, and the pot grows. Tom Yaggley leads us in the creed. Go forth and promote Optimism!
Comedian Sam Adams was our keynote speaker at our Installation Luncheon, and he was a showstopper! Sam is headlining with his full comedy act Thursday Nov. 17 at Comedy Works South and is offering a special discount for our club.
Tickets cost $14, but there’s a special discount code only for our club. The code is: OPTIMIST … Monaco South members type in OPTIMIST in the “Enter Promo Code” box to receive a 50 percent discount on each ticket purchased.
Let’s support Sam and see his show live! Buy your tickets NOW!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Ed Leuty
October 1
Jeff Wilson
October 2
Greg Holt
October 6
Ron Gustas
October 7
John Bamford
October 13
Tom Glazier
October 17
Allen Malask
October 22
Allan McCall
October 25
Robert Wardlaw
October 30
*MSOC members
Friday Oct. 28. Vaughn Kendall*, Travels in the 1st year of my retirement
Friday Nov. 4. Mary Jo Heins, Medicare Insurance Help
Friday Nov. 11. Paul Rosenthal | Community Liaison Office of Mayor Michael B. Hancock
Friday Nov. 18 Camaraderie Day
Friday Nov. 25 Bill Ashbee. member of Boulder Luncheon Optimist, speaking on the Panama Canal
Meetings will be held at the American Legion Hall 5400 E Yale Ave. While there be no two way communication, you may observe (and listen to) the meeting on Zoom
OCMS President Tom Kramis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
PLEASE NOTE: All Friday meetings will be simulcast on Zoom in “listen and watch only” mode. All members are encouraged to attend the live meeting when possible.
Optimist Club of Monaco South 2020-2021 45th Year — Chartered in 1976
2022-2023 Officers
President Larry Pulaski 303-956-1202
Vice President Matt Nelson 720-774-0758
Vice President Steve Kady 303-931-1470
Secretary Jake Baker 412-680-0765
Treasurer Pat Bush 303-750-9409
2022- 2023 Board of Directors
Joe Marci 303-847-7844 Tom Glazier 303-522-5214
George Buzick 303-803-2268 Casey Funk 720-656-2255
Vaughn Kendall 303-910-6590 Ken Jeung 720-849-6241
Kent Gloor 303-880- 5444 Tom Kramis 303-917-5299
Past Presidents
Bob Rhue 1976-77
Jerry Whitlow 1977-78
Bill Kosena 1978-79
Duane Wehrer 1979-80
Curt Jefferies 1980-81
Frank Middleton 1981-82
John Young 1982-83
Pat Bush 1983-84
Bob Hugo 1984-85
Tom Mauro 1985-86
Curt Lorenzen 1986-87
Oscar Sorensen 1987-88
Lupe Salinas 1988-89
Bob Avery 1989-90
Bill Litchfield 1990-91
Bill Walters 1991-92
Kent Gloor 1992-93
Gary Strowbridge 1993-94
Mark Metevia 1994-95
Bob Safe 1995-96
Tom Overton 1996-97
Peter Dimond 1997-98
Ralph Symalla 1998-99
Cy Regan 1999-00
Stan Cohen 2000-01
Don St. John 2001-02
Jack Rife 2002-03
Karl Geil 2003-04
Bryce Slaby 2004-05
Donlie Smith 2005-06
Paul Bernard 2006-07
Greg Young 2007-08
Phil Perington 2008-09
Ron Cisco 2009-10
Ed Collins 2010-11
Randy Marcove 2011-12
Paul Simon 2012-13
Jon Wachter 2013-14
John Oss 2014-15
Michael Chavez 2015-16
Craig Eley 2016-17
Jim Easton 2017-18
Everett Gardner 2018-19
Bob Meyer 2019-20
Dan Rodriguez 2020-2021
Tom Kramis 2021-2022
T H E O P T I M I S T C R E E D — Promise Yourself . . . To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for
anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.