  • Mission Statement. By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.
  • Vision Statement. Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the premier volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential
Fall is here and it feels like it. Our greeters this morning are Craig Eley and Tom Overton.  Here greeters welcome Mike White, returning after back surgery. "Shoulda done it a long time ago", says Mike.
President Larry Pulaski presiding over the first meeting of his tenure rings the bell promptly at 7 this morning.  Larry asks Mario Sani to read the invocation this morning, Everlasting God thank you for another day.  Make our Optimism come true in all that we say and do.  Mario then leads us to recite the pledge of allegiance.  Lots of good energy this morning in the room. 
President Larry tells us that today is National Chocolate covered pretzel day, a few minutes later Larry hands out to the crowd a bag of chocolate covered pretzels.  Editor's note: they were delicious.  It is also National LED light day today. 
Both Mario Sani and Bill Morgan sent me this article. It's pretty good if you wanted to include it in GUMS this week.
Mike White takes the mic, he took a train trip to Alaska before his surgery, and it was wonderful.  He is surprised how much he missed the club and its members.  Mike also tells us that Don Thomson is progressing from his surgery and hopes to join us soon.
The Colorado/Wyoming District is a major contributor to Optimist Junior Golf, having sent almost seventy players to this past summer's tournament in Florida. On October 15 and 16, MSOC will be hosting a qualifying tournament at Green Valley Ranch.
Joe Marci is looking for volunteers to help with the event. We need a lot of help. Contact Joe (303-847-7844)
Pat Bush has sent out bills for 2022-2023 dues. The MSOC Board of Directors has made the decision to not increase dues this year, even though Optimist International has increased dues by $15. Dues are still only $130, payable in quarterly installments, or you can save five bucks and pay only $125, if you pay in full by November 1.
Robert Wardlaw announces that the 2022-2023 Super Citizen program is officially in place with recent assemblies at Most Precious Blood and today at Samuels.  Assemblies next week are at McMeen Elementary and Holm Elementary. Even if you don't actively participate, you should visit one of these inspiring programs. It's what we're all about.Click here to find schedule.
Bob Avery tells us that Boy Scout Troop 457 will be hosting their annual fund raiser and selling pumpkins and unloading the trailer full of product so help out if you can.  It’s at the corner of Holly and Belleview. Check with Bob for details. 303-550-5433
Russ Paul, who recently moved to a retirement community, is looking for a good (cheap) used car to replace one that finally gave up the ghost. If you have one, or know of any benevolent person who does, please contact Russ at 720-431-0449.
Premium Vector | Happy thanksgiving day. funny cartoon ...
Michael Chavez tells us about the date for this year’s Thanksgiving Dinner for Boys and Girls Club will be November 17. Put that on your calendar. Details to follow.
Bryce Slaby, who is a master wood worker, is from a small town in Nebraska and is looking for tools to supply a proposed new shop class where students will learn how to use woodworking tools.  He has a one-word joke for us: Broncos. Check with Bryce if you have some old tools. 303-877-2995
Mark Metevia in his SJ Cruiser!
Mark Metevia recaps Bob Sweeney’s visit from last week.  Mark has a speaker lined up who has written for the Rockies.
Photo by Tom Kramis
Comedian Sam Adams was our keynote speaker at our Installation Luncheon, and he was a showstopper!
Sam is headlining with his full comedy act Thursday Nov. 17 at Comedy Works South and is offering a special discount for our club.
Tickets cost $14, but there’s a special discount code only for our club. The code is: OPTIMIST … Monaco South members type in OPTIMIST in the “Enter Promo Code” box to receive a 50 percent discount on each ticket purchased.
Let’s support Sam and see his show live! Buy your tickets NOW!
Our speaker this morning is Optimal Health Coach Ryan Bresnahan.  Ryan tells us about himself.  He graduated from Texas A&M with a bachelor's degree in Sports Conditioning.  He has been involved with Rotary and knows a little bit about what the service organization goals are and is hereto give us some guidance about the physical aspects of our lives. 
Ryan’s message this morning is about how we can take better care of ourselves to be the best we can and live a healthy and productive life.  What makes us able to continue to work and serve and do what we can do. 
Ryan was an athlete in high school participating in sports and suffered injuries that prevented him from doing what he enjoyed doing. This led him to consider how he could best heal his body and what he could try to do to enhance his physical goals.
Ryan gives us some news on recent medical advances, including Stem Cell implants which is in stage 2 treatment research and has had promising results.  These types of treatments can save you from surgery recovery time, it helps our body to generate new cells greatly reducing recovery time.  This can also help with treating Parkinsons disease, focused ultrasound can help reduce and eliminate the damaged tissue in the brain.
What’s happening now and how can we best live our lives?  Our diet, 70% of new army recruits in the United States are unfit for service due to obesity.  The obesity rate in the United States is 41%, as cited by the Center for Disease Control The western diet consists of 56% of our calories from corn, soy and wheat which are processed foods that take our bodies longer to digest and are bad for our bodies. 
Ryan also talks about another medical advancement: The Grail test uses AI to scan all the arteries in our bodies for evidence of plaque and damage that may be evident.  Grail test is covered by most insurance companies and can signal the presence of arterial damage.  Ryan also tells us the something as simple as walking 20 minutes a day can have a huge positive impact on our longevity.  Also, daily vitamins such as D3, K2 which is highly related to heart health, fish oil, which is good for your heart and brain, Resveratrol is another supplement Ryan mentions, that has received high praise in the public purview.  Ryan tells us about David Sinclair, a proponent of Resveratrol, who is 55 in chronological but 33 in biological age.  These daily habits can help with longevity.  Dry sauna is a habit that can help the body with reducing heart related issues, sweat out toxins.   When your body gets hot and sweats, it will provide great benefits.
Humans have also shown that daylight has effects on our lives.  During Daylight saving time, and the reduction of light can have a negative impact on the heart.  Sleep is very important for our bodies to help us flush out cellular debris, recharge the brain and many believe this is the #1 good habit to continue. 
Another important habit to get into is drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.  This helps hydrate the body, the ideal amount of water per day is 64 to 128 oz of water.  Hyperbaric oxygen chamber also helps to recharge and increase stem cell recharging for the body.
  Intermittent fasting is also helpful for the body to work on other things recharging and regenerating cells.  Water is the best liquid for the body to help with hydration.  A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is very important, containing antioxidants.  EWG or Environmental Working Group, Dr. Mark Hyman is a widely recognized expert on what to eat and best healthy practices.   Tom Kramis asks re the absorption rate for many of these pills that are so called vitamins, and how we can best digest and absorb the benefits of these vitamins.  Fat, such as those contained in yogurt, are important in the absorption of many vitamins.
Ryan always has interesting things to share about maintaining healthy habits.
Do we have a drawing?  $20 in the pot, 5 of clubs is the lucky card, Jim Svenson has the first lucky ticket. Allen Malask takes a cup, Patrick Bush takes a cup. Your editor wins a cup, call Bill Litchfield and Russ Paul wins the last cup. Greg Holt takes a card, and it’s the lucky card and wins $20.    Greg, you must go buy a lottery ticket.  That’s the first drawing out of President Larry’s brand-new DECK!  The worm has turned for you, my friend.  Ryan Bresnahan leads us in the creed!   Go forth and promote Optimism!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Ed Leuty
October 1
Jeff Wilson
October 2
Greg Holt
October 6
Ron Gustas
October 7
John Bamford
October 13
Tom Glazier
October 17
Allen Malask
October 22
Allan McCall
October 25
Robert Wardlaw
October 30
*MSOC members
Friday Oct      14 Camaraderie Day
Friday Oct      21 Stephanie Piko - Mayor of City of Centennial
Friday Oct.   28. Vaughn Kendall*, Travels in the 1st year of my retirement 
Friday Nov.   4. Mary Jo Heins, Medicare Insurance Help
Friday Nov.  11. Paul Rosenthal | Community Liaison Office of Mayor Michael B. Hancock
Friday Nov.  18 Camaraderie Day
Friday Nov.  25 Bill Ashbee. member of Boulder Luncheon Optimist, speaking on the Panama Canal 
Mark Metevia
Program Chair MSOC
OI Foundation Reminder: If you use Amazon to order products, you can earn money for the Foundation by signing on to
See the Online Events Calendar @
Meetings will be held at the American Legion Hall 5400 E Yale Ave. While there be no two way communication, you may observe (and listen to) the meeting on Zoom
OCMS President Tom Kramis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
PLEASE NOTE: All Friday meetings will be simulcast on Zoom in “listen and watch only” mode. All members are encouraged to attend the live meeting when possible.
Topic: OCMS Friday 7:00 AM Meeting
Time: 6:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Friday Morning
Join  Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 811 5309
Passcode: 2021
Optimist Club of Monaco South 2020-2021 45th Year — Chartered in 1976
                        2022-2023 Officers                                                                                
President           Larry Pulaski           303-956-1202      
Vice President   Matt Nelson             720-774-0758
Vice President   Steve Kady               303-931-1470
Secretary           Jake Baker                412-680-0765
Treasurer           Pat Bush                   303-750-9409
                            2022- 2023 Board of Directors 
 Joe Marci             303-847-7844      Tom Glazier          303-522-5214  
 George Buzick     303-803-2268      Casey Funk           720-656-2255
 Vaughn Kendall   303-910-6590      Ken Jeung             720-849-6241
 Kent Gloor           303-880- 5444     Tom Kramis         303-917-5299  
Past Presidents
Bob Rhue 1976-77
Jerry Whitlow 1977-78
Bill Kosena 1978-79
Duane Wehrer 1979-80
Curt Jefferies 1980-81
Frank Middleton 1981-82
John Young 1982-83
Pat Bush 1983-84
Bob Hugo 1984-85
Tom Mauro 1985-86
Curt Lorenzen 1986-87
Oscar Sorensen 1987-88
Lupe Salinas 1988-89
Bob Avery 1989-90
Bill Litchfield 1990-91
Bill Walters 1991-92
Kent Gloor 1992-93
Gary Strowbridge 1993-94
Mark Metevia 1994-95
Bob Safe 1995-96
Tom Overton 1996-97
Peter Dimond 1997-98
Ralph Symalla 1998-99
Cy Regan 1999-00
Stan Cohen 2000-01
Don St. John 2001-02
Jack Rife 2002-03
Karl Geil 2003-04 
Bryce Slaby 2004-05
Donlie Smith 2005-06
Paul Bernard 2006-07
Greg Young 2007-08
Phil Perington 2008-09
Ron Cisco 2009-10
Ed Collins 2010-11
Randy Marcove 2011-12
Paul Simon 2012-13
Jon Wachter 2013-14
John Oss 2014-15
Michael Chavez 2015-16
Craig Eley 2016-17
Jim Easton 2017-18
Everett Gardner 2018-19
Bob Meyer 2019-20
Dan Rodriguez 2020-2021
Tom Kramis 2021-2022
T H E O P T I M I S T C R E E D — Promise Yourself . . . To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for
anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.